Monday, July 30, 2007

A New Photo

No body Loves children like their Mother does.
In this photo we were at Uncle Steve's house on a short vacation from Panama. I think it was July 1989 because I was 5 months pregnant with Dean-o. We spent a week or two with Uncle Steve that summer - He was so wonderful to let us hang with him and he loved us all so much anyway... he wouldn't have had is any other way.

Look at Chaser's little baby foot... I used to kiss the bottom of his feet and he would giggle and wiggle... in fact you all did. I was and I still am such a great Mom. I love you children so much...

Let's see... Jimmy you must have been 8 and Shane you were 7 in this photo. We lived in Navy housing and if I remember correctly we lived at the Navy Housing complex named Rodman or Amador - Now I cannot recall which. It was beautiful in Panama. You boys had so much fun there especially chasing down the baby iguana's. One day you and about 6 other boys from the neighborhood chased a baby one - almost lime green colored - into our carport. Shane came running into the house to tell me you had him cornered out there. Everyone was huffing and puffing from running all over. I came out of the kitchen with Chaser on my hip and I looked down in the crack behind your dad's stacked up military boxes. I reached down and grabbed him right behind the head pulling him out and raising him above my head for all the boys to see. You all let out a huge cheer!! After you all got a close look at him we walked that baby iguana out to the big tree behind our house and set him there on the side of it. Away he went scurrying up the trunk to the top and all the kids were still in awe.

I have that memories and I cherish it... I hope that when you boys come back home all the rest of my memories will come back to me - a little at a time...

I Love you all... : ) Mom


Anonymous said...


It was Farfan Navy Housing on Howard AFB. One of the little boys was probably Nate Fetzko and he still remembers Shane and Jimmy fondly. You are in my prayers.
Susan Fetzko

Unknown said...

Susan... OMG!!
I think of you all the time... email me if you ever see this.
I don't really know much about blogging except to post stuff... I don't see your email listed in the comment... I must be lame... eh.
: ) Valerie

Anonymous said...

Valerie! I sure will, not sure when though. I am so behind on my communications! I work in Collections and it sucks the life out of me (plus I'm old and tired). I'm still married to Frank, we're empty nesters and going camping this weekend without internet access.

I think of you often also and what I think about most is what a great mother you were! Your boys were always smiling and you relished the role! I think we had to break you down before you finally got a maid! I muddled through it but I wasn't quite the mother you were.

I live in Delaware now (ugh). My email is

Take care,