Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Dean, This is the story of your Birth.

This first photo is Dean-O. He was 2 days old and you can see the bracelet on his ankle. We were still in Gorgas Army Hospital in Panama. He was born 4 weeks before the Norriaga war in Panama. The night I went into labor - I had woke up to go pee : ) when I sat on the toiled I heard a "POP"... I didn't know what that was because I had never had that happen. Well I went back to bed dismissing the "POP" sound but when I sat on the side of the bed... Amniotic Fluid or Water came rushing out. "It was time" the baby would be born today... We had to call our friends to come to the house to watch you 3 boys and... we had to call Security for an escort to the hospital because of the unsettledness among the people in Panama at the time. Once Dad and I got to the hospital my labor slowed down and there were several other women who were ready to deliver... they had us go out of the labor room and into a private room and wait for the baby to come... Well, I had the urge to pee again... : ) so Dad helped me off the gerney and I walked to the bathroom. Well - when I got done... I was sort of stuck and had to call dad to help me walk... The baby started coming out. I virtually had no labor pains. This baby's labor was almost painless. Dad ran out to call for the nurse and they came in with an attitude like we were making things up and getting restless.... Well the nurse gave me an exam and the look on her face was shock and surprise... "Don't move" she say's "I will run and get the Dr." They rushed me into the delivery room... I pushed, and pushed and after about 5 of those... my Dean-O was born. You came out crying and Dad should have the video that he made of your actual birth. After about 1 minute you became a limp baby that was turning blue. The Dr. gave you to the nurse and they ran you to the Neonatel emergency room. They had to hook you up to all kinds of tubes and bring you to life. I have 1 photo of you with all those things hooked up to you... I will scan it in and post it here later today or tomorrow... I was so scared you were not going to make it. When the Dr handed my limp, blue baby to the nurse and told her to rush you over there... I told dad to follow her. Stay with the baby!!
Dean-O, Can you imagine how much I Love you? You are my baby... you live in my soul. You are a precious part of my life. All my love... Mom

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