Monday, July 31, 2006

Happy Birthday James

25 Years Old and you are already so sucessfull.

"I'm Proud of You"

I am very proud of your choice to get into Real Estate. Grandpa Berdeski is a big advocate of Real Estate too. He could talk your ear off if your not careful. You could be sitting right there with him, listning, when blam! Your ear falls rite on to the floor. ~kidding~
Hopefully Rose (9) and Robert (2) into Real Estate as they grow up so they are well financed when they are ready to leave home. What are Chaser and Dean-o thinking about doing?

It is late tonight and Tomorrow is your Birthday and I want to tell you I Love you.
I will always love you, I will never forget the moment of your birth and holding you that first time. I am proud to be your mother. One day we will have a normal relationship again... I forsee it in the future. It's time to move forward with life and keep our eyes on the next adventure, the next moment when we will be a happy family... I am waiting and will continue to wait if it takes forever. It is worth it because, I Love you and all my children. You will one day begin to ask questions and slowly find the answers... and then it will happen... curiosity will happen...

I Love You and please tell the boys Chase and Dean-o I love them too... I look forward to holding and hugging you all... looking into your beautiful eyes and seeing my babies again. I know you've all grown up, but your still little babies in my heart, taken from me at such a young age... so unfair to you boys. But we will start again some day from here... all grown up.
Here is my email address if any of you ever want to talk to me... I am always waiting for their phone call's or emails. You boys are my children and I am an awesome woman and mother, daughter, friend and person... One day you will see.

I had to add that photo of Luana and I, we were at Starbucks in May a couple days before my birthday and after our GNO (girls night out) evening. That is a monthly event where about 18-25 women from Mar Vista High School get together for dinner and then talking and giggling over coffee at Starbucks. We usually have all our digital cameras with us and everyone takes photos to compare how old were getting.... Luana is on the Left and the lady with very short hair is Me... I like it short... It makes me feel spunky... by the way I still cut my hair with the Flow bee that we hooked to the vaccuum to cut your hair with all those years ago... can you believe it...

Please do your best to be happy and help your brothers to be happy and find their was out of their dad's house. Your the big brother Help them along where you can... Your a wonderful son...

I love you dearly
~ Mom

Happy Birthday My Son

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