Sunday, May 07, 2006

You were not Abandoned, You were taken & Brainwashed

It is Sunday morning @ 7:40 am, May 7 2006.

I awoke this morning with an awareness of a dream about Jim Patton, your father. I only recall the last part of the dream. I realized his anger for me these past 13 years since I left him has been because - " I Did". I did leave him because of who he was and who he had become toward me. Not for any of the reasons that he tells you children. We were together 13 years and now we have been seperate for 13 years.

I believe that It is time for our hearts to be healed and that you open your selves up to the reality that there is a mother here, in San Diego that has been missing her children. It is very unfortunate that we have been seperated for this time. I believe the end is near and you will come to see me... and see for yourselves that I am your wonderful Mom and little by little you will remember me. We will start again, where we left off and grow into a big happy family.

Come Home Soon... I love you all very much. If it were possible for me to walk into your world, I would. But the resistance that I would meet is too much. I do not want to make you suffer through Jim Patton's rage for me. That is why when ever grandma would come visit you children over the years your dad would be so filled with rage for her and it would spill over to you children. I am sorry for your pain, I am sorry for his pain. I cannot help him. Please open your hearts and your eyes to the reality I am speaking of. You boys are loved by all of us. Me, Grandma, Grandpa, Antie Cindy, Uncle David, Uncle Gary and all your cousins.

You were not abandoned-
You were taken and brainwashed
Fight it.

I Love You...

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